


Welcome to PBR Streetgang, my movie blog.

Basically this blog is here just to be able to write what I want to about films and cinema in general. I will rate films as I watch them, and review them as well (the one review may be much more thorough than the other). And, of course, no review of a film is complete without a rating. Ratings will be given on a numeral scale, the best being 10/10 obviously. But please note that these reviews I intend to write are highly subjective, as are the ratings I give. I know full well that I might fail a certain movie that doesn't quite deserve to fail. Also do I know that no movie is perfect, yet I will still dish out 10/10's every once in a while when I think a film deserves full credit. I don't expect anyone to agree with me necessarily, but I will try to explain as best I can why I rate a certain movie as such. If possible, I will add download links for those who wish to check out the films for themselves. While on the subject, I would like to beforehand thank all the original uploaders for their contributions to what will become this blog, however it turns out. So if it turns out that certain links are not working, I will try and find others which work, but I will not upload them myself.

Anyway, I hope that those who end up reading my reviews manage to get something out of them and can at least understand my reasons for liking/disliking them.
